Lisa Eisner's Christmas Fantasy
A fabulous approach to holiday decoration.

As the season changes and days become shorter and colder, it's time to celebrate Winter solstice by livening up our world with Christmas cheer. Our good friend and collaborator Lisa Eisner’s home here in LA transforms every year into an homage to color, sparkly things, and fun. We’re inspired by the fabulous world of curiosities that she creates, and hope you will be too.
Were you always a Christmas person, what were decorations like growing up?
Yeah we always loved Xmas and Xmas decorations. My mom would make lots of styrofoam balls with sequin ornaments and felt ornaments that were stuffed with cotton and decorators with rick rack and sequins. And I mean come on! Who doesn’t love Xmas lights!
When did you start collecting?
Well I started collecting 36 years ago when I got married
When do the decorations come out?
They come out differnt times. It’s so much work, I try and get them out after thanksgiving so we can enjoy them longer!
Where have you found your decorations?
Most found at flea markets and eBay and etsy
Where’s a good place in LA to find ornaments?
Flea markets and antique malls. It’s not easy to find good ones because everyone is looking!
How many trees do you have?
Like a zillion!
Tell us about the parrot.
Oh yea that poor old parrot gets dressed up every Xmas for the holliday season. She likes it!
Any holiday decorating tips?
Hmm tips, don’t take it too serious, I love colored tinsel — trees, garlands, they come in the most wonderful colors. Just have fun!
Photos by Lisa Eisner