Commune Post

From the Archive: Notable Stationery

An inspiring study on branding.


Stationery for Michael Cooper
Michael Cooper

This small collection of notable stationery from our archive provides a glimpse into the personal paraphernalia of the stars. We love to see how graphic design is used to communicate the essence of each personality on something as small as a piece of paper. And while some are surprisingly simple and elegant like Elvis, and Marylin Monroe, others are more pictorial like Frank Lloyd Wright and James Brown. As a whole, they are an inspiring study in branding and a nice reminder of a time when communication moved a little slower.

Shirley Temple's Stationery
Shirley Temple
Stationery for L Ron Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard
Stationery for Elvis
Stationery for Charles Schulz
Charles Schulz
Stationery for Goucho Marx
Goucho Marx
Stationery for Jayne Mansfield.
Jayne Mansfield
Stationery for Hunter S. Thompson
Hunter S. Thompson
Stationery for Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock
Roy Lichtenstein Stationery
Roy Lichtenstein
Stationery for Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth
Stationery for Jean Harlow
Jean Harlow
Stationery for Les Paul
Les Paul
Stationery for James Dean
James Dean
Stationery for Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Stationery for Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
 Stationery for Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison
Stationery for Keith Haring
Keith Haring
Stationery for Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
Stationery for Clark Gable
Stationery for Clark Gable
Stationery for Gene Shalit
Gene Shalit
Stationery for Paul Rand
Paul Rand
Stationery for Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Stationery for Woody Allen
Woody Allen
Stationery for John Wayne
John Wayne
Stationery for Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash
Stationery for Madonna
Julia Child
Julia Child
Stationery for Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali
Stationery for Marcel Marceau
Marcel Marceau
Stationery for Steve McQueen
Steve McQueen
Stationery for Grateful Dead
Grateful Dead
Stationery for James Brown
James Brown
Stationery for Saul Bass
Saul Bass
Stationery for Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee
Stationery for Gandhi
Stationery by Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright